Ahdiye Yasari


Birjand-Resalat Street 2-Plaque 90-Unit 3



Barriers to the implementation of the UNIDO’s program for export consortia: a case study of the Iranian handmade carpet industry

Barriers to the implementation of the UNIDO’s program for export consortia: a case study of the Iranian handmade carpet industry



This paper aims to identify and analyze the barriers to the implementation of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s programxk for export consortia in the Iranian handmade carpet industry.


To accomplish its objectives, the study relied on a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research method. Primarily, unstructured interviews were conducted to identify the effective barriers. Then, the validity of the barriers identified was evaluated through content validity ratio analysis. Finally, the interrelationships between the barriers were determined using the rough decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory technique (DEMATEL).


Results revealed that “a lack of leadership,” “a traditional business environment” and “a lack of awareness of consortium benefits” were the most significant causal barriers. Meanwhile, the most important effect barriers were “a lack of long-term vision,” “a lack of business ethics” and “a lack of motivation.”

Practical implications

The findings and results could help the stakeholders of the handmade carpet industry in Iran to improve existing export consortium programs, increasing the country’s share in the global markets in this industry.


This investigation seeks to fill an existing gap in the literature on export consortium formation in the handmade carpet industry by providing a network of barriers for the first time.



The present study did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors. Also, the data sets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.